
I am a third-year Ph.D. student at the University of Georgia, now working with Prof. Ninghao Liu. I obtained my bachelor’s degree in statistics from the School of Statistics and Information at Shanghai University of International Business and Economics (SUIBE), where I worked with Prof. Chengcheng Hao and Prof. Liangliang Liu.

I am currently looking for Research Scientist positions starting in the latter half of 2025.

Research Interests

Natural Language Processing: interpretability and human alignment.

Data Mining: recommender systems, knowledge graphs, and multi-modals modeling.


  • Apr, 2024: One paper is accepted by ACL 2024!
  • Apr, 2024: Invited talk in the School of Computing at the University of Georgia!
  • Apr, 2024: One paper is accepted by TIST!
  • Mar, 2024: One paper is accepted by NAACL 2024!
  • Jan, 2024: One paper is accepted by WWW 2024!
  • Sep, 2023: One paper is accepted by NIPS 2023!
  • Apr, 2023: One paper is accepted by AIED 2023!
  • Jan, 2022: I joined the Data Lab at UGA (DLGA) as a research assistant!

Recent Pre-Prints

  • Usable XAI: 10 Strategies Towards Exploiting Explainability in the LLM Era
    Xuansheng Wu*, Haiyan Zhao*, Yaochen Zhu*, Yucheng Shi*, Fan Yang, Tianming Liu, Xiaoming Zhai, Wenlin Yao, Jundong Li, Mengnan Du, Ninghao Liu
    [Paper] [Code]

  • A Survey of Graph Prompting Methods: Techniques, Applications, and Challenges
    Xuansheng Wu, Kaixiong Zhou, Mingchen Sun, Xin Wang, and Ninghao Liu

  • Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) for Education
    Ehsan Latif, Gengchen Mai, Matthew Nyaaba, Xuansheng Wu, Ninghao Liu, Guoyu Lu, Sheng Li, Tianming Liu, and Xiaoming Zhai



From Language Modeling to Instruction Following: Understanding the Behavior Shift in LLMs after Instruction Tuning
Xuansheng Wu, Wenlin Yao, Jianshu Chen, Xiaoman Pan, Xiaoyang Wang, Ninghao Liu, and Dong Yu.
NAACL (oral), 2024.
[Paper] [Code]


Could Small Language Models Serve as Recommenders? Toward Data-centric Cold-start Recommendation
Xuansheng Wu, Huachi Zhou, Wenlin Yao, Xiao Huang, and Ninghao Liu.
WWW (oral), 2024.
[Paper] [Code]


Black-box Backdoor Defense via Zero-shot Image Purification
Yucheng Shi, Mengnan Du, Xuansheng Wu, Zihan Guan, Jin Sun, and Ninghao Liu.
NIPS, 2023.
[Paper] [Code]


Matching Exemplar as Next Sentence Prediction (MeNSP): Zero-shot Prompt Learning for Automatic Scoring in Science Education
Xuansheng Wu, Xinyu He, Tianming Liu, Ninghao Liu, and Xiaoming Zhai.
AIED (oral), 2023.
[Paper] [Code]


Rethinking the Impacts of Overfitting and Feature Quality on Small-scale Video Classification.
Xuansheng Wu, Feichi Yang, Xinyue Lin, and Tong Zhou.
ACM MM (oral), 2021.
[Paper] [Code]


DaPy: an easy-to-use data analysis framework for humans.
Xuansheng Wu, and Feichi Yang.

Distributed Archery Events Management System.
Xuansheng Wu, Feichi Yang, and Jingjing Guo.

Working Experiments


  • 2024 Travel Award from National Science Foundation
  • 2023 Travel Award from University of Georgia
  • 2021 Tencent Advertising Algorithm Competition - Top 2%
  • 2020 Shanghai Aijian Scholarship - Top 1%
  • 2019 Research Pioneer Award of SUIBE - Top 1%
  • 2019 2nd Prize of China Programming Contest for College Students - Top 5%


  • Journal Reviewer: TNNLS, TKDE, & TOIS.
  • Conference Reviewer: EMNLP 2024, CIKM 2024, FM-Wild Workshop in ICML 2024, & R2-FM Workshop in ICLR 2024.


  • 2022 Spring: Teaching Assistant of CSCI4380/6380 Data Mining, University of Georgia.

More about me!

I enjoy sports and traveling with my family and girlfriend. Here are a few of my favorite activities:

  • Archery: I can shoot at least 6 points for 70-meter targets (Olympic Standard).
  • Running: I can run 10KM at pace of 5'40''/KM. I am actively training for my first half-marathon this fall.
  • Basketball: I used to play basketball during high school and undergraduate studies.